Building the Future of Scaleups with ScaleUp Britain in Manchester


On September 10, 2024, ScaleUp Britain, organised by the ScaleUp Institute and supported by its strategic partners, came to Manchester for a sellout event that fostered valuable networking among entrepreneurs, investors, and advisors. The event aimed to strengthen the ecosystem for scaling businesses, focusing on three critical areas: accessing capital, markets, and talent. 

Key highlights from the day included: 

  • Marcus Stuttard from the London Stock Exchange shared valuable insights on capital markets and introduced new platforms for accessing investors, providing a fresh perspective for scaling companies seeking funding. 

  • Angelene Woodland from the British Business Bank presented the Long-Term Investments for Technology and Science Fund, highlighting new funding opportunities. 

  • Dr. Lisa Hazelden of Innovate UK spoke about collaborative opportunities to enhance market access, outlining potential partnerships to drive innovation. 

The day also featured impactful panel discussions: 

  • A panel chaired by our Cate Poulson on “Demystifying the Funding Landscape” brought together experts from Floww, HSBC Innovation Banking, NatWest, YFM, and BGF, who shared their insights on navigating the complex funding ecosystem. 

  • In a later panel, Cate joined a discussion on building effective boards for scaling businesses, with thought leaders offering strategic guidance on leadership and the importance of board structure in driving growth. 

This event underscored Manchester’s vibrant role in the UK’s scaleup landscape and delivered key takeaways for businesses looking to expand their reach and impact. 

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