ScaleUp Britain & Climb 24 Event

Cate Poulson joins a panel on Mastering the Business Ecosystem: Collaboration & Growth Strategies.

ScaleUp Britain & Climb 24
Leeds | 5-6 June 2024

As the third event in the ScaleUp Britain campaign, following successful stops in Glasgow and Newcastle, the vibrant city of Leeds played host to this influential gathering. The two-day event at Leeds Dock brought together 1,500 delegates, including over 220 speakers and 150 active investors, creating a dynamic environment for discussions on leadership, technology enablement, funding, and international expansion.

Cate Poulson had the honor of joining a distinguished panel chaired by Clare Hayward, focused on “Mastering the Business Ecosystem: Collaboration and Growth Strategies.” The discussion delved deep into the power of building robust networks, the importance of leveraging experienced advice, and the strategic role of fractional executives in driving growth for scaling businesses. The session was well-received, with attendees gaining valuable insights into how to harness collaboration and innovation to propel their businesses forward.

The event was a resounding success, providing a platform for local entrepreneurs, business leaders, and ecosystem partners to explore opportunities, tackle challenges, and share solutions tailored to the unique needs of Scale-Ups in Yorkshire. With such positive momentum, the team is already looking forward to continuing the journey at Climb25.

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